
If you are interested in becoming a VHT practitioner we offer small and friendly training classes, where students can benefit from individual and personal attention. All our courses are 95% ‘hands-on’ with theory integrated within each procedure to enable the students to retain information and progress rapidly. Our instructors are fully qualified and, very passionate and innovative. At the end of each class students acquire the necessary practical skills and tools to put into practice straightaway.

We currently offer a professional training programme leading to practitioner status which is intended for those who wish to make it a career. By attending the first Unit, students will have learnt the basics to be able to give family & friends taster sessions.

The Practitioner Training Programme 
Please contact and ask for the Practitioner Route Guide.  On successful completion of the course and having met all the necessary criteria, a Diploma will be awarded.

Visit the Course Schedule page for full details on our course. If not courses currently listed, please contact the instructor nearest to where you live and ask to be informed when courses are available.

What some of our students had to say about our courses:

Meeting like- minded people, learning VHT is very interesting and inspired me. It was very clearly demonstrated with very good personal attention. I feel that the course could not have been any better, I was delighted with the content I had learnt”. DF

“VHT to me is truly a standalone modality and in the short time I have been practicing it, I have experienced clients coming to me in pain and going out with a smile on their face, how can you better that! Here’s to all those VHT instructors out there that have kept this brilliant discipline alive and kicking, A BIG THANK YOU” SA

“I like the new Friends and Family format and so have the few people I have tried it on since I got back. It is always useful to get to practice your VHT in front of Jo, so not only are you learning new stuff but still refining the techniques over and over.”

VHT and the relating animal modalities, Equine Touch and Canine Touch are is now taught in 23 different countries throughout the world and research into the disciplines is a key ongoing factor.

It is imperative to note that under the definition of VHT, it is not referred to or recognized as a therapy and is not used as such to treat any named disease, illness or injury. It must also be remembered at all times that VHT practitioners do not under any circumstances diagnose unless they are licensed or legally qualified to do so.

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